
Vintage Crunch

Sommelier’s Secret Snacks

With a Hint of Lemon

Ideal companion for wine, allowing tasters to focus on the wine’s characteristics without interference from the cracker’s taste.

These small, lightly seasoned pillow cracker are perfect for wine tasting as they are mild, with the perfect balance of subtle seasoning.

It serves as a palate cleanser and neutralizer, helping to reset the taste buds between sips of different wines. Clearing the palate from the previous wine’s flavors and acidity.

Guava Grove Biscotti

Unique tropical twist! Italian rustic cookie infused with the exotic flavor of ripe guava.

As you take a bite, your taste buds are greeted with a burst of sweet and tangy guava essence, which beautifully complements the buttery richness of the cookie.

Coco-Almond Delight

Delicious crunchy biscotti with almonds, coconut shavings and dark chocolateAs you take your first bite, your palate is embraced by the rich, bittersweet notes of dark chocolate, which harmonize perfectly with the sweet and nutty undertones of toasted almonds. The coconut flakes scattered throughout the biscotti add a tropical touch, providing a hint of sweetness and a delightful chewiness to the otherwise crunchy texture.

This biscotti strikes a perfect balance between the robustness of chocolate and the subtleness of coconut and almonds, making it an irresistible treat for any occasion.

Zesty Pistachio Temptation

A sensory delight that marries the vibrant zest of citrus, the indulgent depth of dark chocolate, and and the crunch of the pistachios.

An orange, dark chocolate, and walnut biscotti is a delightful treat that strikes a perfect balance between sweet and tangy, bitter and nutty, making it a perfect accompaniment to a cup of coffee or a standalone indulgence. I

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